Products Information
Suitable for all kinds of needle, woven cotton, T/C cloth, blending and other clothing, fabric printing.
Characteristics :
Bronzing effect completely, feel soft, washing fastness, good operability, paste dry transparent, a sweater bronzing use G650 products, usually 1:1 can be scattered into sweater bronzing effect..
Technological process:
Printing two times with every times scrape the paste twice→ Dry in natural or bake→ Press with heat →150°C-160°C/15-20 seconds→ Finish.
(bake with 130°C-135°C is better)
1, Choose the right foil paper, bronzing paper directly affect the effect of bronzing;
2, the test should ensure that the printing is completely dry, otherwise it will affect the test results;
3, debugging the appropriate pressure, overheating temperature, washing fastness, bronzing effect is very important;
4, wool unlined upper garment unlined upper garment, non solid color bronzing printing, you can properly join the help pulp and other help;
5, if not to heat treatment, to achieve the best effect of this product, it is recommended to add agent (relatively soft) and other additives to speed up cross-linking and improve fastness
In verbal or written just the technical advice to show our Companies sincerity, but for our product ,the user companies still have your responsibility for test, to verify whether is suitable for the process and to use; Given the use of the products of our company process conditions are not my company control, and therefore should be fully responsible by the users themselves.